We are enjoying october in Mesa it is finally starting to cool off. We are getting ready for Holloween! I will post pic of it in Nov. Were still figuring out what the kids want to dress up as.
Zachery in the sand (pic). He loves nature and cant get enough of it. Zachery will also start preschool after the christmas break, I wont know what to do with my self. Carter in the santa hat(pic) he is our little fisty one. He maybe small but he wont let anyone push him around. He is also kind hearted and sensitive at the same time. Carter starts T-ball this month, he is a great player. Now Isaiah in camo(pic), what a great helper he is I would not know what to do with out him. He is sweet and kind when he is not teasing his brothers.ha ha. He loves all sports. Were talking about letting him play football this fall, but I'm not sure if I am ready for football yet. ha ha. Wade is enjoying His job at Price Kong. Tax season is around the corner so were not looking forward to the long hours. Wade is great dad and works hard we love him to pieces. My time is mostly taken up by the kids. I do find time to work out at the gym,
I love it. I also got away to the Rodgers girls retreat and enjoyed every minute. It was with my mom, sisters and sister in laws. We went to vegas and saw phantom of the oprea it was great!!!